A support system designed to wrap around the parent(s) of a teen or young adult in crisis.

Christian Support System

Guidance &
Practical Tools

Shame-Free &

Loving A Prodigal guides parents to root their identity in faith, not the crisis. By showing parents how to reverse life paralysis, they learn to dispel the lies about the kind of parents that produce this outcome in their children and remove the stigma attached.

We teach parents how to hold on to hope when all seems lost and supply the tools that enable parents to see the Bible and pray in a way that applies to this specific life circumstance.

Loving A Prodigal guides parents toward a healthy mindset with Bible-based truth and principles.

“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

Hebrews 4:16 NKJV

The prodigal story that started it all…

Loving a Prodigal was born out of the testimony of an 18-year journey with one of Nicole’s children. This season started in junior high school with small acts of rebellion, increasing to drug use and pornography. Upon high school graduation, the child decided to move out and live a lifestyle that led to addiction and homelessness. During these years, a safe community and biblical truth were vital to the family’s ability to thrive. Hilary was a primary support to the family, especially Nicole, during this journey. 

Many biblical principles and tools helped tremendously during this period as Nicole walked alongside her prodigal while raising two other children, returning to school, having a career, and thriving marriage. Loving a Prodigal is designed to wrap around parents walking this journey and wanting to live a full life despite their child’s choices.

Over the years, as Nicole has spoken publicly about her family’s journey at various church events, women have come forward with their own situations, voicing the shame and embarrassment it has brought to their family, isolating themselves from the church community. This experience fueled the desire to create a place of resource, support, and community for those in need during this season of their lives.

Hilary and Nicole have been friends for over 20 years. Whether they have lived in the same city or on separate coasts, they’ve navigated marriage, raising children, financial challenges, businesses, and growing in their faith side-by-side. Starting Loving a Prodigal together not only feels like a natural partnership born out of their stories but a divine assignment for both women.

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Meet Nicole

Nicole is a California native, born and raised in Southern California, and relocated to Northern California as a teen. She has a long-standing church community that she and her family have participated in since 2005.

Having been a Pilates instructor, Nicole was introduced to women’s ministry in 2005, teaching fitness classes at the church to the community's women. She quickly realized her passion for walking alongside women, empowering and exhorting them to move toward the best version of themselves possible in the areas of physical, emotional, spiritual, and relational health.

Nicole has a degree in Christian Studies with a Biblical Emphasis, and she is passionate about sharing a Biblical perspective that unlocks the believer's identity and brings freedom from strongholds. Currently, Nicole is pursuing the completion of her coaching certifications at Western Seminary.

“I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord beseech you to walk worthy of the calling in which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace…” Eph 4:1-3

Meet Hilary

Hilary Valine was raised in California but today lives in a small town outside of Washington, D.C. She is a wife, mother to two grown daughters, a grandmother, and a dog mom to three rescue pups. Starting her adult life at a young age led to many challenges, but she believes the Lord intervened in a significant way. She is grateful for the experiences and obstacles she has faced because they have led to a deep relationship with our Lord and Savior. 

Hilary has spent her career as an entrepreneur, from owning fitness studios to partnering with her husband in his firm and other endeavors. Through her time as an entrepreneur, she has learned much about herself and how to help others succeed. Today, she wakes with a love of God and a passion for helping people discover who God designed them to be. Your circumstances are not limiting, and Hilary is here to help you find the joy of Christ and the joy of life. Currently, she is completing her degree, a B.S. in Biblical Studies.

“For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11

Faith Says is a growing non-profit housing faith-filled communities, support systems, and resources, such as Loving a Prodigal.

Thank You For The Support

Valine Law


Brianna C




Old Salt Rock


Rebecca O


Cheryl and Rand S


Fiore Consulting


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