Nicole’s Story

Raised in a family broken by divorce, Nicole knew the Lord at an early age and knew that Jesus was with her always, even in her chaotic childhood. Her passion for teaching women about their true identity in Christ is rooted in her life's journey, where she sought validation from the world and failed at every turn. As a young, single mother, Nicole grew up quickly and succeeded in providing for her son, but she floundered in her life choices. She married Chris at age 26, and they both started attending church again and re-engaging with their faith as they expanded their family by two more children. At age 31, Nicole surrendered it all to Christ, daring Jesus to come and show her what living the Bible truly meant. As Nicole grew in her identity in Christ, her first son started his journey of wandering away in his behavioral crisis, leading to years of addiction, homelessness, and eventually incarceration. Through the faithfulness of God’s presence and truth of the Word, Nicole and her husband stayed strong in their marriage, grew in their faith, and raised two other children while loving their prodigal son through the various phases of his journey. 


Hilary’s Story